A recent article by Charlotte Lieberman in the New York Times argues that procrastination has nothing to do with self-control. Rather, procrastination stems from a difficulty with emotional control! Procrastination is the habitual or intentional delay of starting or...
Suddenly, you’re living with your sweetie. You hadn’t planned on doing it, but with sheltering in place being the normal, it seemed better than the alternative, which would have been not to see them at all. Because you know you’d miss them dreadfully. And now you’re...
Beginner’s Norms Opening up the relationship because one person wants it that way. Opening up a relationship when your existing relationship is feeling unstable/rocky.Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell Don’t meet your metamour. Instead, fantasize/worry about how amazing...
I’m working my way through Pat Ogden and Janina Fisher’s groundbreaking work on “Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment”. The book, which is primarily aimed at therapists, provides a wealth of interventions people can use (often with the...
As someone who consults with clinicians regarding polyamory/consensual non-monogamy, I frequently get asked what healthy polyamorous relationship look like. The answer is that they look surprisingly similar to monogamous healthy relationships. But then there’s the...
Am I in a codependent relationship? (It’s not just for alcoholics and their loved ones anymore!) Codependency is when two people with dysfunctional personality traits become worse together. It was originally coined to refer to relationships in which one person was a...
Self-care is damn hard work when you do it right. It’s especially hard to do when you most need it. Before I get to to explaining why that is, let’s first address what exactly self-care means. Self-Care Isn’t Just Privileged People Rationalizing Their Self-Indulgent...
When starting treatment, most of my patients do not know that a lot of the physical symptoms they are experiencing hour by hour and day by day are symptoms of anxiety. Commonly and Less Commonly Known Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Tension/migraine headaches Dry mouth...