Another day just getting by…
When you could be THRIVING in everything you do
Effective Psychotherapy Online and In-Person in Brooklyn, NY
Relationships never seemed to work out.
Jessica entered treatment heartbroken and deeply depressed after discovering that her girlfriend had cheated on her throughout their time together. It was the last nail in a coffin filled with the debris of a series of short-lived, truly shitty relationships.
Although she always logged in to work, she didn’t make it out of the house many days.
Her friendships were complicated, and she seemed to surround herself with people who took more than they gave.
Now, several years later, she’s ecstatically married and expecting her first child. Her friendships have improved dramatically because she no longer settles for relationship crumbs. Her salary has skyrocketed. Now, she’s large and in charge.
What happened? Thank God for effective psychotherapy.
When being ‘different’ is a good thing…
Matt and Michelle were desperate to figure out why they sucked at supporting each other after all these years. They’d tried everything they could think of to relate to each other better.
Days of feeling like each other’s best friends felt light-years away. Their sex life was non-existent and had become another source of recriminations and hurt feelings.
Any day that wasn’t terrible was a good day in Matt’s book, but he wanted the good times back. He always wondered if he needed to end things and was terrified of doing so.
Michelle fluctuated between rage and despair.
Now, they’re dating other people while enjoying a newfound level of connection. They have fun together and have ways of talking about the hard stuff.
Their sex life has improved dramatically!
What happened? Thank God for effective psychotherapy.
“Hurts so BAD I just want to die!”
Jacque suffered from a string of debilitating illnesses, which left doctors baffled and him miserable.
Sometimes he was in so much pain that ending it all seemed like a reasonable solution.
He frequently canceled plans because he couldn’t trust his stomach to behave. Friends grew frustrated with his “flakiness.”
Now, he’s pain-free almost all the time. He’s able to make and keep plans. He remembers and feels acutely sorry for all the years he suffered.
What happened? Thank God for effective psychotherapy.
What happens when you do nothing?
Margrite was several years out of college. She felt haunted by her failure to live up to her potential. She seriously wondered if maybe humanity wasn’t an experiment that went horribly wrong.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have happened, because all people did was hurt each other!
That was five years ago. Margrite’s life situation is mostly unchanged. She’s a little older and even more despairing.
What happened? Nothing, because she kept putting off getting help. She kept rationalizing that it would change on its own. That it was too expensive. That it was probably pointless anyway.
Don’t be like Margrite.
Find out how effective therapy can be for you!
Call me at (917) 687-8445 for a
free 15-minute phone consultation.

Hi! I’m Kieran!
I guide people who know that life has more to offer but can’t figure out how to find it. Smart people. Funny people. Good, kind people.
People who are too worried to take action and so remain stuck. People who spend most of their time attuned to other people’s needs, and so they don’t take appropriate steps for themselves.
I help people live good lives – better lives. Great lives! I help people go from hot mess to hot stuff!
I know from personal experience how devastating it is to feel lost, hopeless, and anxious. I also know that change is possible!
If you’re ready, reach out, and let’s help get you there!